Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday: halloween

I made it through Halloween.

I did a lot of chauffeuring today.

The normal church that we have trick-or-treated at in the past didn't do it this year.  We went to a different church and it wasn't the same.  They had games for candy instead of trick-or-treating.  This would have been ok, except that the weather was terrible and so it was packed.  Very packed.  We played a few games because we got there near the beginning, ate our hot dog, and left.  I couldn't quite handle it.

We went to Meijer and got some bags of candy.  I told Isaac he needed to go around the table and say trick-or-treat to get it.  It turned into a grand game, as always.

1 comment:

betsy said...

It was a bummer! Glad to see you made the best of it! Cute costumes!