Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday: Playground tour: Eagle Crest

There wasn't a ton of time this morning, so I thought we'd hit up the Eagle Crest playground.  Joshua mentioned wanting to go recently, and Isaac was surprisingly excited when we pulled into the parking lot.

It ended up getting a 19.5/25.
Isaac: 6 - "it is very spread out."  (I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing.  I expect the low score is because he's used to it and while it was nice to be there without other kids, he's fully explored it.)
Joshua: 9 - "It gets boring after a while."
Amanda: 4.5 - good seating, no bathrooms.

The dishwasher got installed today!  Joshua is oddly excited about the top third rack.

1 comment:

betsy said...

We love our third top rack!