Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wednesday: the downs and ups

The day started with an up: Joshua didn't wake us up early because he couldn't find his beans.  He did eat his two beans last night that he "had to eat if he ever wanted to eat again" and I was very clear with him last night that he had to eat them before a granola bar and he should not wake us up due to problems.

Another up: he ate them.  It took drinking two fizzy waters at the same time and a bunch of terrible expressions, but he ate them.

The down: the installers weren't able to install the dishwasher due to the wrong hoses / hoses breaking.  Apparently it was up to me to get the right stuff, so they left the dishwasher and will come back another time.

An up: Ben and I were both able to virtually attend Isaac's award ceremony this year.  Unsurprisingly, he got an award for math.

The down: I had a really hard time motivating myself after nap/rest time.  I suppose it was only the dishwasher that brought me down, but I just went with it and read my book.

The super-up: I went to Lowe's when Ben got home to get the pieces for the dishwasher.  I had talked to Dad quite a bit so I knew what I was looking for.  The first person I talked to didn't have a clue...they were from a different department in the aisle I needed.  But then!  The installers were in the same aisle!  They kindly helped me pick out what I needed since they knew exactly what was needed.  (I would have gotten the correct things, but the final set-up might have looked a bit different.)  This made my day.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

Hooray for the super up! Seth woke me up because his light was green (early from the school year). It has now been moved back an hour for the summer.