Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday: around the house

I continued O:CtH today.  I finished decluttering the white bookshelf and most of the piano.  Part of this involved putting all the lost game pieces back in their boxes.  There was really only one game piece that was critically missing and that was found.  (Usually what happens is we find the piece but are too lazy to deal with it so it goes in a pile.  Next time the game comes out, we just get it from the pile.  The pile is actually mostly made up of instructions.)  So all that is left with this room now is actually making the bed, dusting the piano and the shelves, quickly finishing up the piano, and the game closet.  The game closet is going to take a bit of work because I really need to add some more shelves.  But the end is in sight!

I also froze some raspberries.  I labeled them "frozen raspberries" as though my future self wouldn't realize they're frozen as I find them in the freezer. :p

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