Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday: success

I got up the shelves in the storage room and man-handled the filing cabinet into position.

We've decided to put some small shelves above the filing cabinet while we're at it, because why not.  Otherwise it's really a waste of space.  I also finished sorting out all the decluttering stuff from this summer that the boys gave me from their bedrooms.  I threw out, recycled, and donated a ton of stuff, but I still have quite a few things that still need to be dealt with.  Some of them will be returned to their original locations or correct homes, some will be regrouped with their other pieces, and some...will be dealt with.  Those are the ones that scare me the most.

Joshua had a rough day today.  Nothing all that big went wrong, but a lot of little things.  Therefore, I didn't make him (and Isaac) eat the dinner that I had planned on for tonight.  It's a small thing, but I really felt like "one more thing" might make him lose it.  He didn't fight me on the chores at least.

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