Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday: my day

Today started out with me startling awake to Ben's alarm.  (And by starting, I mean anything that happens after 6am).  Before I knew what was happening I was sitting up with my glasses on.  Ben told me to lay back down, so I did.  It was nice that Isaac was sleeping in a bit, although it was only because he woke up twice during the night.

We had our doctor appointments today.  I'm healthy.  My weight actually came in a few pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight, which shocked me.  I thought I was about a pound over.  I think it was because it was a different time than normal and I hadn't eaten anything.  But it was still nice to see.

Isaac is also healthy.  He weighed 14 pounds even (31%) and was 25.25" long (60%).  He is doing everything that he should be doing.  He also got his shots.  He did pretty well for a few hours, and then had a few hours where he was really cranky.  If I moved him he started screaming.  So I didn't move him too much, but he wasn't very happy sitting still either.

We talked to some neighbors by the lake because it was a very nice day out.  I also cleaned under the deck (there is a walkout area).  There were a ton of fishing lures scattered about.  Some with large rusty hooks that scare me.  I hope I got all of them, but I probably didn't.

For our dinner side I made some cornbread from a mix (like muffin mix) in an effort to get rid of food that we've had for a while and haven't eaten.  It was disgusting!  Now I know why it was on clearance when we bought it.

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