Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday: a first

Today I had a first.  I used my steamer.

I got the steamer as a wedding gift.  (It was not on the registry. :)  )  My mom never steamed vegetables in anything that looked like this, so I thought it was something to make spaghetti.  I hope I didn't say anything out loud.

I was steaming cauliflower.  The amount that I needed seemed pitifully small for the container.

Also new was the green onion.  I've never bought any of them before.  I went to the farmer's market with Cheryl and Allison today.  It was a little cool at first, but the sun came up and it warmed up.

I made twice-baked potatoes.  Ben was a great sport and tried them even though they had cauliflower.  He didn't love them, but didn't hate them either.  I liked them.  Ben also grilled steaks for the first time on the grill.

Isaac just looked longingly at the food.  He didn't nap well at all during the day, so he got an extra special evening nap.  It did make food prep easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your meal looks delicious! I like steamed cauliflower drizzled with a tiny bit of olive oil and then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and toasted almonds. : )

Annette B.