Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday: flowers

This morning Isaac and I went to the mall.  The main reason was to pick up a hat from the lost and found.  We lost it, someone found it, the lost and found lost it, and then the lost and found found it.  It was a bit odd because we had lost a few other things at the same time but the lost and found didn't lose those.

I also looked for some brown shoes.  I had a problem with the shoes I wanted not being in sizes larger than 7.5.  This happened twice.  I ended up not getting shoes.

We met Ben for lunch!  Isaac decided that today was laugh with Dad day, so Ben only had to look at Isaac to make him laugh.

We picked some flowers in the afternoon.  I was hoping that Isaac would take a longer nap.  I was not done with my nap when he decided he was done with his.

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