Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday: outside

Today was a beautiful day outside.

This morning I brought Isaac outside.  I was going to try and move some sod pieces, but Isaac wasn't having any of that.  Apparently I was too far away and he doesn't like walking on the grass.  So we did some weeding of the front area.

After Ben woke up I went back outside to do the sod.  Luckily, the neighbor that is pulling up the sod was also out there and he had a wheelbarrow.  Two people and a wheelbarrow made it go much more quickly.  He did a lot more after I was done, but I at least helped him with everything that he had already taken out.

This afternoon I got a little mulch to put down where we weeded in the morning.  It's kind of sad how a ton of mulch doesn't really go very far.  I knew it was going to be bad, but I was hoping it would be a little better.  Oh well.  One section down, several more to go.  It'll probably be an all summer project.  But hopefully it will help with the weeds.

Then this evening we brought the grill back out to the deck.  We bring it through the house, and so move all the furniture out of the way.  This excited Isaac to no end.  Moving the grill was significantly more fun this time because Isaac was so excited about it.

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