Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday: dirty, almost not dirty, and cleaner

We'll start today's post with the dirty.  Ants.

They found their way to the top of the kitchen counter last night.  Yuck!  I didn't sleep well because I knew they were there and had nightmares of them overtaking the kitchen.  While they didn't overtake the kitchen, it was still disgusting when I got up.  I found some ant poison that they seem to love.  Hopefully it's actually killing them too.  I took some pictures because I was so excited that it was working, but decided it was too gross.  Yuck.  *Shiver*.  The only good thing is that now they're pretty much only in one area and not wandering all around.

Moving on to cleaner...
I got rid of two boxes of the stuff going to Good Will today.  They came by to pick it up, so I happily put it on the street.  It's a small step in trying to get the basement room cleaned up.

And finally, almost not dirty...
The roomba came today!  Of course, it came at 4:30 and Isaac fell asleep on my shoulder at 4:35.  I did manage to charge the battery later though so we got a short cleaning in.  It's a little bit noisy and so might need to run it while everyone is awake, but in fifteen minutes it picked up a lot of junk.  I'm still optimistic that this will work really well.

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

One of my friends here swears by her roomba (well, not literally, but, you know).