Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday: growing up

The last two days have seen a lot of new "big boy" things for Isaac...

*He found that he can flip the light switch from his crib.  While I think this has kept him entertained for a while, it's not ideal.  I think I'm going to remove the leads from the switch so that it doesn't do anything.

*We started swimming lessons!  I was a little nervous because the pool water is always a little cool, but Isaac did great.  I learned some things to do with him in the water and he is learning to be more comfortable in the water.  The class only has three students (maybe two next time), so that is nice.  Our goal is to get him to hold his breath if he is pulled under water, but we're also working on leg and arm movements.

*He learned how to open doors.  He can now push them open (yesterday) and pull them open (today).  It helps that we have the lever knobs.  I don't think he's realized that this will work on all doors yet, but I'm sure that's just a matter of time.

*We finally changed his car seat from the infant carrier to a bigger seat.  I was kind of dreading this day because I still like to bring him inside when he falls asleep in the car.  But so far he's transitioned just fine.  We made the switch because the weather is getting warmer and his head was always really sweaty when I pulled him out.  The new seat seems to let him stay a bit cooler.

(In other news, the ants seemed to decrease today.  There were still a lot, but not a ton.  And the roomba seems to be working well.)


Anonymous said...

Which car seat did you go with? We've been debating several.

betsy said...

We love having Ethan in the bigger car seat. And I have been holding Ethan up to let him turn the light switch on when we enter his nursery and off when we leave it - he thinks it's pretty cool. I can't imagine if he could reach it from his crib how cool that would make it. :) I am impressed with Isaac opening the doors! Where are you doing swimming lessons? MVP?