Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday: Duck Duck Moose

I'd like to give some props to the Iphone/Ipad apps by Duck Duck Moose.  I was kind of having a hard time finding apps that Isaac could easily use by himself, and since I really like these I thought I'd share with...anyone else that reads this blog.

Isaac likes to tap the screen.  He's good at tapping things on the screen, but is bad at waiting and sliding things on the screen.  The first app we got, Itsy Bitsy Spider, is really good at dealing with lots of taps.  There are lots of things that change based on the tapping.  We also got Fish School.  While it is geared for slightly older children, Isaac can still use it and enjoy it (even if he doesn't quite get the point of the games by himself yet.)

I expect several more Duck Duck Moose apps in the future.  And seriously, I love their name.

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

We like Duck Duck Moose, too!