Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday: Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  I had a great one.

First of all, Isaac slept until 8am.  He once in a great while will hit 730 or 7:45, but he's never slept until 8am.  Ben was getting up with him so it didn't matter too much to me, but at the same time it is a lot easier to sleep without little toddler squeals all the time.  Ben and Isaac brought me a mini-breakfast in bed...chocolate covered strawberries.  Yum.  Isaac wanted a taste, but very "politly" just opened his mouth wide.  He didn't grab or try to move too closely.  (It was actually really cute.)  And a gift card to the fabric store.

Then we went out for a Mother's Day brunch.  Yum Yum.  There was orange bread.  I love orange bread.  Everything else was really good too.

We hung out with family for the rest of the morning/afternoon.  Isaac did an amazing job staying happy since he didn't take a nap.  By 5pm though he was starting to be done, so we took off.  He got a short nap in, but it wasn't very long.

Unfortunately, he had a really hard time getting to sleep.  Ben ended up finally getting him down an hour after his normal bedtime.  Oh well.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Ethan slept til 8 on Mother's Day too! Maybe they planned this together! Happy BElated Mothers Day to you :)