Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday: garden pot

Tonight I ate my first tomato with dinner.  It was slightly on the green side, but not so much that it didn't taste good.  We had sausage alfredo with tomato.  It was delicious.

It looks like I'll get two more tomatoes from this plant.  I thought that one of the other branches was going to bear some fruit too, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

In other news, it was a rather busy day.  I also got a ton of groceries because everything was on sale and we needed a few more things than normal.  So many that my cart was filled to the brim and the under rack was full.  Of course, that also included a big thing of toilet paper...but still, there was a lot.  There were a few other errands.  And I made curry for tomorrow.  The house is a mess (more so than normal...groceries are still out, the kitchen is a disaster from making two meals, and laundry is here and there and everywhere), but we at least have something to eat and wear.  I still need to get sheets on the bed though.  Bother.

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