Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday: one more

Isaac seems to have picked up "one more" from some where...probably from me.  He holds up one finger while doing it.  I take this to mean that he can count to one, but again, he's probably just copying me.

This morning he kept telling me a story, clapping, and saying one more.  He would proceed to tell the story, in very soft but audible tones, clap, and again say "one more".  I know it was a story because I clapped before it was finished once and he just looked at me with a confused look...we weren't at the end of the story, so why was I clapping?

Then we were at the park late this morning and he decided that he can go down the slides by himself if he goes on his stomach and feet first.  (I've been trying to get him to go down by himself for a while.  This was also the first time that I didn't actually have to physically slide down with him but could just hold his hands.)  He would get to the bottom and as he was climbing the stairs he would say "one more."

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