Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday: 10000 steps

I finally had a day were my pedometer was over 10000 steps.  Phew.  It turns out that walking around the house just doesn't really get you that far, so most days I get embarrassingly few steps.  I think I've had a few days since getting the pedometer that have also been over, but I don't wear it every day and sometimes it gets put on a little late.

To accomplish this amazing achievement, I walked around the lake (trying to get Isaac to take an early nap - it worked), played racquetball (although we didn't play as long as normal), and mowed the grass (I don't have anything interesting to say about the grass).

1 comment:

betsy said...

Similar motivation but different tactic... I just downloaded the Nike+ app on my phone on August 1 and I am trying to walk or run at least a mile a day this month. I only turn it on when I am actually going out for a walk/run (not just around the house) but it is good motivation to get moving! You'll have to show me your pedometer next time we get together - that might be a good thing for me too as it would track me all day and not just walks :)