Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday: 28 I months

Well, I finally took the standard pictures of Isaac near 28 months.

He's decided that he's been hot lately and so likes T-shirts and no pants.  (We did compromise on shorts yesterday and those were acceptable though.)  He has also figured out how to take his socks on and off, so we'll often see him walking around the house with inside out, upside down socks.

This morning after we finished praying he folded his hands again and said "Jesus!"  So we prayed again, thanking God for Jesus.  I wish that I was the one that had taught him that, but I don't think he got it from me.  I'm happy that he picked it up from somewhere though!

Then Ben asked, "Isaac, can I have a hug?"  Isaac responded, very clearly, "Yes...Mom hug Dad."  It cracked us up.  He's a rather funny kid.

He hasn't been sleeping quite as much lately, but he's usually very happy in his crib.  Nap times are often a bit shorter (and periodically don't happen), and it takes him a while to get to sleep.  But he just talks to himself and his animals and moves his blankets and pillows around.

Potty training still has a bit to go, but I have seen a lot of progress in the last two weeks.  Sometimes he has a dry nap and knows when he needs to go to the bathroom!  I think he is gaming the system since he gets a treat when he goes, but I'm ok with that for now.  I'd rather give him a few extra treats and get it solidly in his head that going to the toilet is a good thing.

He also is becoming more independent, which is often pretty nice.  Except for doors...if there is a double door he wants to go through one and have me go through the other, but he can't open his door by himself yet.  He also doesn't always want to hold my hand while we're walking.  He likes to watch me work in the kitchen (and really likes to help, but that isn't always practical).

He wanted to take some pictures too, so I had him take one of the baby.  He doesn't quite understand the "back up to take pictures" sometimes.


The Accidental Boilermaker said...

oh my gosh - isaac is so big!!! can't wait to see you guys : )

Anonymous said...

Isaac does look much bigger all of a sudden! Is it the camera angle or has he had a growth spurt? He will definitely make Evelyn look tiny by comparison. : )

Annette B.

Cheryl said...

He's such a cutie!! Love him!!

betsy said...

Is he really 30 months? I might have a bad memory but I thought he was just over 3 months older than Ethan so more like 28? By the way, he's getting so tall that soon you'll have to hang your quilt from something higher! :-)