Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday: sick

Urg.  I'm sick again...this time with a bad cold.  Yesterday I had a sore throat and a little bit of a runny nose.  At 9pm that's still where it was.  At 11pm I had lost my voice.  At 12am I couldn't sleep and was cold.  Throughout the night it felt like I would finally fall asleep, just to be awakened by Joshua: more my fault than his.

So Ben stayed home.  I probably could have handled it by myself, but it sure was nice to have extra help.  I took a morning nap.  Isaac loved getting extra Dad time.  We all also took really good afternoon naps, going down by 1:30 and sleeping at least two hours.

And now...I feel like it has morphed into just a normal bad cold.  Annoying and draining, but I can still function.

Someone really needs to invent a cold remedy that can be taken while nursing/pregnant.  Not being able to take the good medicine is super annoying.

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