Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday: brothers and napping

We borrowed a Baby Brother shirt for a picture.  You can't tell, but they were both wearing monkey socks too.

Then at nap/rest time I took a look in the monitor before getting in bed and didn't see Isaac.  We have two rules for this time: 1)stay in bed and 2)play with duplos, read a book, or take a nap.  I came to his room to chastise him and get him in bed and found this.
To be fair, he was in bed and he was playing with duplos.  I found it hilarious and left him to it.  Probably a mistake since he then didn't take a nap and feel asleep with Ben just before dinner.  We woke him up this time, but it was a hard choice.


betsy said...

Both pictures are super cute!

Amy Worrel said...

Ha ha! I love Joshua's expression in the brother photo. :)