Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday: 35 months

Isaac is 35 months old.  I know, it's a weird milestone.  I feel weird every time I write it.  But he's still changing so much that it's nice to have a quick update.

Sleeping - he is still nicely sleeping until at least 7:15 most mornings.  We're working on getting him to get out of bed and go to the bathroom without me telling him to do so.  The number of naps is quickly declining though.  At the beginning of the month is was about two days out of three.  Now it's one day out of three.  We still have rest time though!!  And there are a few advantages to him not needing a is easier to schedule, especially with all the holiday things happening.

Pretend - Little Monster still shows up sometimes and he still does a lot with traps.  I think the biggest thing this month is getting "stuck".  As in, his feet are stuck to the floor when he doesn't want to do something.  He's been doing this for a while, but this month seemed especially bad.  Jumping and hopping tend to get him unstuck.  He also really likes to celebrate birthdays.

Eating - I've noticed that if I change how something is delivered, he'll start to eat things that he wasn't.  Spinach?  Puree it.  Yogurt?  Back in the bowl this month.

Praying - Isaac still thanks God for Jesus and thunder and lightning every time, but sometimes he includes "nothing" too.  "Thank you for nothing."  We're not really sure what to do about it, so we usually laugh behind our hands.

Potty training - not great, but not too bad.  I feel like we're getting close.  He's usually accident free during the day, but the last hour or so is when there is a problem.  But I usually forget to help remind him in that last hour too.

Singing - Isaac has started singing more this month, and often things I didn't realize he was actually paying attention to quite a while ago, including "Pop goes the weasel" and some songs from story time at the library.  His "Happy Birthday" song melts my heart too.

Lawyering - I get lawyered so often.  He was eating the cookie part of his snack and I asked him to go to the bathroom when his cookie was done, so he put down his cookie and ate the rest of his snack first.  Or when most of his body was on the bed and I needed to put his socks on, so I asked him to put his feet on the bed.  He got off the bed and put just his feet on, which really didn't make it any easier to get his socks on.

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