Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday: Isaac

We learned that Isaac can now open the refridgerator door!  We learned this when he couldn't wait to eat lunch yesterday and I was feeding Joshua.  So I told him to make it himself.  He still isn't great at spreading the peanut butter or jelly, but he got everything out.

Every once in a while Isaac will give you a big hug and say "I love you so much."  It melts my heart.

Isaac happily shared his ice cream with me today.  I had only asked for one bite; it was his idea to share the rest.  I wasn't about to say no. :D

Isaac's been rather bad at being quiet during rest time, so I've decided that if Isaac is awake I really should be awake too...there's no point in trying to take a nap.  But wow, was I dragging around 5pm today.  The goal is to spend the hour doing things I would otherwise do at night (so not necessarily to work) and go to bed earlier.  I'm not really sure how well it's going to work out, but I need to try.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Sounds like a good plan. I try to do the same thing on days when I got a full night of sleep the previous night. I shouldn't need a nap on those days and if I am feeling tired I should go to bed earlier. Good luck!