Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday: year in review

While thinking about this past year, I've sadly decided that it ties for second place in my list of worst years.*  Ben had several major health issues throughout the year.  I was sick while pregnant.  Ben had a really busy streak at work right after Joshua was born.  There were many days when Ben and I just looked at each other, so tired, and told each other that we'd make it.

To be honest, the year could have been much worse; I have not had to face many hardships or heartaches.  And there were several wonderful things that happened.  Joshua came into our lives.  Isaac is usually a lot of fun to be with.  We connected more with friends.  We spent time with family.  God showed himself to me in different ways.

So, over-all, I'm hoping for a better 2015 and am not very sad to say good-by to 2014.

*I couldn't decide what was worse: minor health problems, moving, selling a house remotely and a job I disliked or major health problems and a few very busy streaks at work.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Oh boy, I didn't realize it was that bad. so sorry. :-( here's to a better 2015!