Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday: librarians

We often go to a smaller branch of our library that is very close to our house.  Sometimes I see four people working there and wonder what they all do all day.  Now, it's not that I think they aren't doing important work, I just don't have a good feel for what they do.

But as Isaac has gotten older and we have more questions on this book or that topic, I start to understand the in depth knowledge they have of the books they carry...knowledge that would take many hours to be able to call up.

Airplane books?  They go to several different authors and find them.  I-spy books?  They know the location.

Today's questions was, "Do you know what the book is called that you flip through it and it becomes a monster and then it goes away and there are holes in the pages?"  Yup.  "'Go away, big green monster.'  I think we just checked it out to someone."

Sure, they need to look things up sometimes, but to even have a starting point with a silly question like that is amazing.  (And it had been checked out.)


betsy said...

As someone who spent 4 years working in a public library, this post makes me so happy :)

betsy said...

As someone who spent 4 years working in a public library, this post makes me so happy :)