Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday: exam day

Today was the final exam in my class.

I got the question that I get every semester and never know how to answer: "Will the exam take the whole two hours?"   Well, I did it in about 30 minutes and skipped a few steps, so I expect that the people that know what they're doing could finish it in an hour.  If you don't know what you're doing it will take longer.  Some students always take the maximum amount of time.  So I don't know the answer to your question; it depends on how prepared you are.

Then, as I was grading and falling asleep, I tried to decide which was better from a sleepy point of view: exams that were very good and could be graded quickly or exams that weren't so good and required some thought with the grading to help keep me awake.  (Obviously, from the rational point of view good exams are better.)  I decided on a short nap instead.

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