Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday: close beach

This morning Isaac asked a few times if we could go to close beach today.  I said maybe after school...we'll have to see how things are going.

Fast forward to after school, and he asks once before getting in the car.  I still hedge.  I'm not against the idea, but not ready to commit yet.  We're in the car and he says, "I've decided we'll go to close beach."  Oh really.  But at the same time there was no reason not to go.  So we went.

Isaac had a great time.  Joshua had a good time for about a half hour and then lost it.  He was having problems last night too, so I think something is going on.  (Or he really misses Zach and Jenny.)  Even food and TV didn't calm him down until we were several minutes into the movie.  I was hoping that Joshua would last a bit longer since Isaac showed no signs of slowing down, but as I told Isaac, "We're a family so we have to work together."

I also had my yearly doctors appointment today.  I got there a bit early, but was out twenty-five minutes after the scheduled start of my appointment...and that included going to the lab for a blood draw.  I was rather amazed.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Is close beach just the lake behind your house?