Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday: repairs

Dad came over to help with some home repairs today.  We (he) got through the first three really quickly.  He changed a bike chain, dealt with a toilet, and fixed a rub in the ceiling fan.

Joshua was a bit bored, and so made a whole bunch of traps for us.

The last project should have also gone easily and, of course, didn't.  We were trying to take off a bi-fold door to replace the hardware.  We had taken off some of the same doors in the laundry room a few years back and I remember it being a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Well, we tried and it didn't work.  We tried again.  (And by we, I mean Dad.)  We looked at the hardware from the other doors.  We tried again and got somewhere, but it was still stuck.  We looked at the track in the laundry room and then tried again.  We pounded and prodded and the door was not coming out.  We had just given up and were about to put everything back together when Dad lifted the door one more time...and it came out of the bracket.  Easy peasy, like it was just waiting for us to give up so it could gloat.  Anyway, we switched out the hardware with the doors in the basement and now Isaac's closet door works.

After Dad left Joshua and I stopped at both libraries.  One to get some books on hold, and the second to get "The book of Monsters."  (A lego book.)  Joshua wanted to show something to Ben, and was deeply disappointed when I returned it before the showing.  He remembered by himself that he wanted to get it back, so we did.  Along with a ton of other Lego books.

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