Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday: life

Today was another rainy day.  I love it, but I know the farmers need everything to dry out a lot so they've been a bit bitter sweet.

We started off the day with the math game prodigy.  It plays a lot like a video game.  Joshua wanted to try too.  The youngest grade level is 1st, but I shrugged my shoulders and said he could try.  It went better than I expected.  He knows his shapes.  He got about half of the number questions right, which is really more than I was expecting.  Teaching him how to use the interface was interesting though.  We found the "read the question to me" button, but then he would often just say the answer.  (Although there was one cute moment when he yelled (due to headphones) in his cute little voice: "Mom, I don't know what vertices are!")

We went to a church playdate at someone's house due to the rain.  The kids balked a bit at first, but they had a great time in the end.  As normal, they went downstairs and I pretty much only saw them when they were hungry.

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