Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday: today

It was a rather normal day today.  Dropped Isaac off at science camp.  (Although before that we went to see Dad at Hope College and as always the kids (almost) cared more about the treats they'd get than seeing him.)

Then I picked up Ashlyn.  Our normal house cleaners are on vacation for several weeks, so she's going to play with the boys while I clean.  It worked very well.  I just put on my audiobook and pretty much ignored them for the whole time.  The only downside is that I see a lot of the nit-picky stuff that gets glossed over when other people are cleaning, so I didn't get quite as much done as I was hoping.  But the kitchen got cleaned and the floors swept and laundry put away.  The table was clean for about forty-five minutes too, but then Joshua got a Lego set out again.

We went on a short bike ride.  (Well, Isaac on the bike and Joshua in the stroller.)  It...didn't go as well as I expected.  Isaac almost hit someone's garage door.  (BRAKES!  How do you even get so far up a driveway that I need to yell that??)  He didn't want to pedal down the bike path because he was going the opposite way from normal.  But we survived.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

"But we survived" is a great motto for all the times our kids fall apart over little things. 😁