Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday: VBS day 2, evening

VBS was good today.  Our class got to go on stage to dance with a sloth.

I sat almost next to Joshua while Isaac was on stage, but I don't think that he ever noticed me.

It was a cleaning day, and Tornado snuck into the pantry one of the times I opened it for cleaning supplies.  Then I opened it again a few minutes later and saw this...

This evening didn't work very well for Joshua.  I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but the problem he was crying about was the bath foam.  He didn't like it.  But when we ran out of foam he wanted to make sure I got more.  But he wanted to play with it.  But he didn't.  Ben and I both talked to him and I finally told him if he couldn't calm down and play he was going to bed early.  He didn't calm down.  On his way out of the tub he hit me again.  (Again, not hard; but it still isn't ok.)  I called in the reinforcements, since he seems to listen to Ben better than to me.  After a double talking to by Ben (about slightly different things) he finally went to get his pajamas on and calmed down.  He still went to bed early.

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