Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday: VBS day 1

Today was the first day of VBS.  It nicely didn't rain during VBS (but of course rained before and after).

This year I'm teaching 2nd grade, because Isaac wanted me to be his teacher.  It turns out that (so far), I really like 2nd grade.  They can read.  They are mostly independent.  But they aren't too old to be excited about everything. 

We also had a small group.  I felt a little bad, only having seven kids instead of the 15 that some groups around me had, but not too bad.  I usually end up with the super small groups which is weird, but fine.

The scheduled activities also ran quite behind schedule today.  I feel like this is somewhat normal for a Monday, but it felt worse than normal.  So we only had fifteen instead of thirty minutes for the official Bible lesson as a class, but it was fine.  I cut out some of the extra stuff and then we went to outside time.  I could tell they were ready for it.

Leaving was a pain though.  One of the exits from church is unavailable due to construction.  Normally by the time we're ready to leave the parking lot is busy but almost empty.  Today the parking lot was still backed we went to the playground for a few minutes.  Not all that long, but it was better than waiting in a car.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

That's why I like teaching 2nd grade. :)