Saturday, May 9, 2020

A few months ago: women

One day at karate there were a lot of women.  We're usually rather outnumbered, so we took a picture.

There aren't many adult females.  There's one near my level, but I haven't seen her lately.  I know there are some at the next higher level, but I just don't seem them because they're in a different class. There are some high-school black belts, and they almost count.  (Hmm, maybe they've graduated by now.)  There were several that have dropped out semi-recently for assorted reasons.

Good rambling, I know.

In other karate news we still get to test this cycle.  And we get to take it for free this time!  We've been doing virtual training twice a week.  It's going better than I expected; I'm sure we're not doing as well as we would in person, but I think we're doing ok. 

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