Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday: Lego games

For Joshua's Lego challenge today, I told him to make Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.  He made a combo game.  Isaac really wanted one too, so I told him Outfoxed or Blokus. 

Joshua made a combo Candy Land/Chutes and Ladders game.  It was playing along about like those games go, and I asked him how one is supposed to win.  It turns out that instead of choosing one (or two or three or four) of the color pieces you could choose zero pieces which would trigger a special piece being put into your hand and that would bring you to the end.

Isaac made a pretty close rendition of Outfoxed, but added a volcano.  The volcano might go off every round or it might not, depending on how Isaac was feeling.  If lava hit you you zoomed around the board like a crazy rock and ended up in a new place.  As add-ons go, it wasn't too bad and could be used strategically.

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