Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday: on masks

The power went out for a bit this evening and I left my phone upstairs.  It annoyingly doesn't backup the photos unless I open the app.  So I thought I'd talk about masks a bit.  It has been such a divisive topic in this country and worthy of documentation.

Yesterday we went to garage sales.  A few people wore masks, but most did not.  Now yes, we were outside.  Most of the time we were at least 6 feet from people, but not all the time.  Isaac and I wore a mask but Joshua didn't because the mask I brought for him was too large.

On Wednesday I went to Meijer.  All of the people were masked.

Today I picked up groceries from Family Fare.  Now we stayed in the car so I only saw people that were already outside, but it seemed like less than half the people were wearing or holding masks. 

People do seem to be masking more, but it is not as much as I'm hoping yet.

1 comment:

betsy said...

it is interesting! We're up north now and i feel like people are wearing masks more even though numbers are lower up here. More polite maybe?!