Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday: this and that

Lego challenges...

...for Joshua: a silly mech

...for Isaac: his corn dog meal from Crazy Horse.  He made multi-colored corn dogs, an orange banana (not part of the meal), and flaming milk (not part of the meal).

I got an email from the dentist.  They're taking many precautions as expected.  I was reading through their long email when I came upon this:

 "*Here is the controversial part…Since there is MORE research AGAINST the general public wearing facial coverings, we respect your choice to wear or not wear a facial covering. We ask that you please do the same."

Um...I don't know where they're getting the research from, but the CDC currently says to wear face masks.  While the CDC isn't the only authority, I do expect them to be looking closely at all the research.  I'm not sure I want to go to a dentist who says this, even if she does acknowledge that it's controversial.  She's also rather "far" away, so I've been thinking about getting a new dentist for a while.  I think about it every six months, and then don't do anything about it.  This was just the straw that broke the camel's back and I think it's actually time to find a new dentist.  It might not be this round because I'm sure all dentists are packed having to have been shut down for several weeks, but it's time.


Cheryl said...

It is pretty weird the way the face mask issue was worded as well. We go to Andersons on 136th just off from James St. Pretty close to you. You could at least try them. Larry and I both have appointments in June and I only made Larry's appointment a couple weeks ago.

betsy said...

um yes I would change dentist too!!!