Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thursday: in pictures

Joshua made a ton of Lego things today, but my favorite was the stethoscope.

Today was neighborhood garage sales.  I gave them each $5 and it didn't completely burn a hole in their pocket.  They ended up splitting the cost of some foam stairs to use in their obstacle courses.

Our microwave finally died.  It's reset itself a few times lately, so I was wondering.  I replaced the fuse, but that didn't fix it.  So meal plans quickly changed because we had limited time.  (Although by the time I got back with Chick-Fil-A the food had thawed in the pan and it would have been fine.)  Speaking of Chick-Fil-A, their drive through process is simply amazing.

It also seems as though I bruised my thumb during bo-staff practice at karate today.  I don't remember doing it, but it's an annoying place to have a bruise.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Agree Chick Fil A has a great system! 🥰