Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tuesday: the day

Today was not as awesome as yesterday.  It wasn't bad, it was just more of the same thing.  I was trying to grade and the boys were trying to not do school (sort-of) and it just felt blah.

We did make it to the library for the first time!  Oh, finally.  I've put holds on a ton of books but only a few were available.  I think there was a run on the library right before everything shut down.  I'm glad we were able to get some, but Isaac is going through his books at the rate of about a book per day and I really need more for him.  He likes the graphic novels and the books with a lot of pictures, but I think we might need to change to more words and fewer pictures if he keeps this up.

Joshua worked on making a belt holder out of Lego.  It currently has two levels, but more can be added as needed.

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