Friday, October 23, 2020

Friday: It's Friday!

Today was packet pick-up at school.  Both boys wanted to say hi to their teachers and give them a small something, but the teachers were only available 20 minutes apart.  So we packed lunches and had them in the car while waiting.  Joshua was very excited to use his new lunch box, and I realized how nice it's been to not have to pack lunches!!

Cheryl got the boys some new clothes earlier this week.  They've been wearing the matching pajamas every day, but finally did their requested photo shoot.  (The footie pajamas were the clothing item that both of them cared the most about.  I've had to resole most of them, and Joshua just managed to wear another hole through the resole.  Luckily I have plenty of soft scrap fabirc.)


Heather D. said...

I love that your 3rd grader enjoys footie pajamas!

betsy said...

Since schools have free hot lunch this year, we also haven't had to deal with packing lunches for kids... I was just thinking today that if school goes to virtual again, I am going to need some lunch groceries!