Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday: things

The garage refrigerator is up and running!  I'm super excited because it makes leftovers so much easier to deal with.  It also means that we don't need to restock pop in the fridge.

Isaac made new rules for Sleeping Queens.  The game wasn't exactly fun, but since there were specific rules it wasn't too bad.  It was also short, which is always a bonus in made-up games.  (Note, while there are a lot of arrows, we only followed about half of them.)

Joshua also made up a Robot Turtles game.  Several times he told me that he wasn't going to tell me the rules, but then I had to do something obscure like laser a little gem from just the right square so it bounced and got the big gem.  Needless to say, I cajoled the rules out of him quickly.


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