Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wednesday: busy

It was a busy day today.  (Today's business means tomorrow isn't quite so busy though, so it works out.)

Joshua wanted to hold the cat.  I didn't see until just now that Tornado's tongue is sticking out.  That really is how he felt about the whole situation.

I had to play a math game with Joshua working on even numbers.  It was the most boring game ever, but Joshua was so cute.  He explained all the rules to me (several times) and how to make tally marks and what the diagonal one means, etc.

This picture shows my amazing multi-tasking.  I'm making soup (although the instapot and I did not get along later), proctoring an exam, and trying to help Isaac make a chocolate lollipop.  His chocolate wasn't melting well though, and I'm not really sure why.  Our microwave has been weird with melting butter before, so I'm wondering if this is the same thing.

At karate tonight it was dress up in your Halloween costume, and then they went around to different stations, did some sort of exercise, and got a treat.  It was perfect, especially since we won't be doing any trick-or-treating outside the house this year.

They also got to stay up late, in their costumes, to play a special game of Dominion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tornado was a day late for Tongue Out Tuesday. : )

Annette B.