Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday: this and that

 Well, last night after being so tired I couldn't fall asleep.  I wasn't even thinking about anything important or distressing or even new, but my brain refused to turn off.  It was rather annoying.

Isaac finished all his work today before lunch.  Joshua didn't quite finish, but he takes more and longer breaks than Isaac does.  He only had about 15 minutes left anyway.  

We had lunch with Cheryl and the boys were so talkative!  Not really about anything interesting, but they chatted away naming all the "How to train your dragon" characters and describing their dragons...Joshua's memory surprises me sometimes.  

I did get to take a nice nap.  A bunch of other things didn't get done because of it, but I got the most critical things done.  The nap was the next most important. :D

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