Saturday, October 10, 2020

Saturday: groceries

 I might be done with grocery pick-up.  I'll admit it has its perks, like being able to order the groceries at any point, but I've been starting to miss actually going into the grocery store.  I know, it surprised me too.  I was excited to actually get a subscription for pick-up in February and while it has been really nice some weeks today was annoying.  It wasn't bad, but it took a bit longer to have them bring the groceries out than I was expecting.  And I don't like dealing with all the substitutions over text.  And I really like being able to see all my options...especially if the exact thing I want isn't available.

I'm not completely sure when grocery shopping will happen.  It might have to be on the weekend, which is normally busier at the store.  Some weeks I might be able to take the boys with me.  But I'm ready to find my own items and get the items from the store I normally shop at.  

I guess we'll see what happens.  We'll see how I feel next week about grocery shopping.  We'll see how I feel in the store if people aren't wearing masks properly (or at all, even though it is still mandated by law).

I also got a picture from yesterday.

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