Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday: cleaning

Now that the kids are in school I feel like the blog posts have become a bit boring.  Well, too bad for you.  It's what I am doing right now.

Today's "interesting" cleaning was of the couch.  I thought that the couch was wearing in one place, but Ben mentioned it was actually hairspray.  Ah, well that can be cleaned.  It was a bit weird to clean it, but it looks a ton better now.  I'll admit, I had my doubts.

Horizon greeted me from on top of the fridge this morning; we think he was chasing bugs.  I finally figured out they're pantry moths.  While it sounds like they can become a pain to get rid off, these bugs are not my fault (for once).  They come in on some food packaging and then populate.  I'm also optimistic that they're not out of control yet.  I'm finding, and vacuuming, about 10/day, but the numbers have stayed pretty steady.  I also found a trap for them that will come next week.

 I told Joshua to start pulling some of the flowers out of the pots on the deck.  In response, he first took a picture of all the potted flowers.  I need to bring some of the flowers inside soon; we'll see if they survive the winter in the basement or not.

I have been working on cleaning the office too, but the progress has been rather slow.  Slow is better than nothing though, and I'll keep chugging along.

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