Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday: life

It was a rather normal day today.  I helped out at kids' food basket.  I thought I had signed up to pack lunches, but apparently I had signed up for food prep.  We made turkey roll-ups and cut cucumbers.  The turkey was fine, but the knives they gave us to cut the cucumbers didn't stay straight.  I already can't cut things very straight, so they just exacerbated the problem.  My hand was starting to ache by the end, but luckily it was the end!  We got out early so I had time to make a quick trip to Menards.

I had a nice lunch with a friend from karate.  I picked up the kids from school.  My new statement is "tell me two details about your day" and it's worked quite well.  Sometimes I get random things like "a car drove really fast by the playground during recess" but I usually get pretty relevant things.

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