Friday, September 30, 2022

Thursday: same ol', same ol'

It really wasn't that exciting of a day.  I feel like I've had a lot of those lately and honestly, I'm fine with that.  

Teaching went fine.  We moved on to pivot tables.  I sort of hate teaching when some students have Macs and some have Windows machines.  I try to be inclusive of the Macs but miss a lot of things.  It would probably be a good real-life analogy for several other issues society faces.  I try, but I miss stuff because I can't even see that their screen looks different from mine.  Most students are able to jump that hurdle of being different, but sometimes it's too big.  I don't really know how to change it, so I just keep doing what I'm doing and making notes when things are different to do them better in the future.

All our after school events were canceled, and it was nice.  It's good to do things, but it's also nice not to do things.  We bought some new shoes for the kids.

I made twice baked potatoes for dinner.  I added a bit too much milk, but they still tasted wonderful.

My computer was messed up.  Ben fixed it, (yay Ben!) although it required a reset.  All the files were saved, but I need to download all the applications again.  I don't have a ton that I'm using right now, but it's still a bit annoying.

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