Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday: a little work

Another day of VBS!  It went fine.  I never love VBS like some people do, but it's important and the time goes by quickly.  The kids are fun.  Joshua wore a bunch of bling from this year and last year today.

A pretty normal afternoon: nap, World of Warcraft (Joshua is getting better but still sometimes runs in the opposite direction), rock climbing.  We got home and I had to do some outside chores.  That was probably a mistake because it was so hot out.  Luckily, Isaac was helping so we got through pretty quickly.  We also have a bunch of mulberries on the ground right now and the ducks are not very afraid of us.

Joshua had wanted a weekly chore list like Isaac gets this summer, but realized today that it wasn't going all that well.  He wasn't really behind, but it does take more effort to manage a weekly list than a daily list.  So we went back to a daily list today and that really seemed to work better for both of us.  Isaac is doing a nice job staying on top of his list, although it's also only the first week of summer.

I also managed to get a few things done from my to-do list.  However, "think about dinner" was not a good choice of words.  I thought about the dinner.  How it is nice to eat.  How I should make some food.  And then I ignored it until dinner was soon and I actually had to decide what to make.  I'll be honest...I expect to say I didn't get many things off my to-do list a lot this summer.  There are other fun things to do and most of the stuff will wait until the kids are back in school, even if it drives me nuts a little bit.

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