Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday: bridal shower

Today I went to a bridal shower for a friend from church. It was for all the women of the church, but I still got a personal invitation. Where am I going with this? It's nice to be getting to know some more people and start feeling a bit more like the church is home rather than just a place I go. It is nice to have people recognize me and know enough about them that there can be some real conversations, not just superficial stuff.

However, I'm still new enough that I wasn't asked to be on the planning committee for this event, which didn't hurt my feelings in the least. There were only a gazillion gifts and I was able to sneak out a little early because I was tired.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today I played with some photos in Picasa after talking with Laura about it yesterday. I made the background black and white and kept myself colorful.

Friday: breaking news

If you're doing CPR to a person, you are no longer supposed to stop and breathe for them. There is enough O2 in the blood and the CPR-giver can't move the blood enough for the O2 to run out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday: if people could fly like superman

A few days ago on my walk I contemplated what it would be like if people could fly like superman. Well, like superman meaning no wings. Probably a speed of about 25 mph would be like an easy walk.

Would there be such a "global economy"? Because if 25 mph is an easy distance to fly, there might not be the need for such a big transportation infrastructure.

Would people be in better shape? You can fly farther faster than walking, so maybe. This might depend on the road system and if that is even an option.

How would movement of goods work? It seems like we would either need a clever thing to carry/pull around with us while we fly or...vehicles. Wow, it all comes back to vehicles and roads.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wednesday: helping Jamie

I am making instructions for my sister on how to embed a video. If you want them, please let me know.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday: Spring is here again!

(Sigh, Rockband songs stuck in your head.)

Anyway, it was a beautiful day out today. I found an excuese to walk to the main building during the day so I could be outside a bit. Then there were some getting home troubles, so I walked to go get the car. However, my plan backfired a bit and when I was about 2/3 of the way to the car it started pouring out. Of course, I wasn't close to a building so I just kept walking. It was actually kind of fun.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday: busy and dinner and Flurry

Today was a busy day at work. But it made the day go faster.

Then I had dinner with some friends from church. She made a great fried chicken and some rice and some pineapple cake.

And here is yet another cute picture of Flurry:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday: Why I need a trip to San Fransico

Because the socks that Ben got me now have a hole in them and I'd like some new ones.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday: relaxing

Today we didn't do much. Ben seems to be feeling better, but still took it pretty easy today. We also started watching "Dexter" per Tan's recommendation. It's interesting. We watched two and will probably watch more, but it's still out for trial as it is a bit...gruesome.

Being the good cat owners that we are, we took more pictures of Flurry today. I'm sure you're all excited.

Friday: the house is (not) falling apart

So as I'm going to bed, I heard this eeererrppp. Hmm. That's a new sound. I ignore it. Five minutes later...eerrerrpp. Hmm. I take more note this time. I wonder what is broken, but also wonder if the furnace is just making new noises. The furnace turns off. Eeereeppp. Sigh, I should go make sure everything's ok in the basement. Phew, it is. Maybe it's the radon dectector fan. Well, I can't do anything about that. Eeerreerpp. It now sounds like it is coming from the drier. Interesting. Oh! It's my dumb pager. I think my pager has an alarm that goes off at random times. It is kind of driving me nuts.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday: still not much new

So I will follow Kassia's example and let you all enjoy a picture of me in the past. Hopefully this shows the fashion of the day...else I was a freak. Oh, I'm with my 5th grade teachers

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday: Stuff

Here's Flurry in action: dipping her paw in the water bowl and then licking it.

Sunday: Happy Easter

Happy Easter! It started Saturday when I had Ben get donuts from the store for me. (I gave up donuts and spice tea for Lent.) Saturday night he decided to hide them. But my donut-sense is so good I was able to find them before I knew they were gone!

The actual day was really good too. I was in a great mood. God is so good. Dusty and Laura came over for dinner and we hung out the whole afternoon.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Friday: Easter eggs

For the first time in my life, I decorated Easter Eggs. I had a blast. I especially liked using the white crayon because it was like using a mystery was hard to tell exactly how it would turn out. More pics here.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday: musings

Hmm, well yesterday's two posts were actually on Wednesday, not Monday. It's sometimes interesting how I can so completely get what day it is mixed up. Except for Fridays usually. Speaking of which, tomorrow's Friday! Yay. I have to be into work earlier than normal, but maybe I'll be able to leave earlier too. We'll see.

I'm rather tired.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Humorous Pictures
see more crazy cat pics


I hate those things that make you copy letters and numbers that are hard to see to prove you're not a spam bot for the following reasons.

1) Half the time I can't tell what the letter/number is supposed to be. This is especially true of the ArsD website. I guess the other ones are at least legible.

2) They aren't real words. Real words I can type quickly. These random things I really have to think about and more often than not look at the keyboard to make sure I'm hitting the right key.

3) They involve numbers. Although I use numbers a lot, I'm not really a fan of typing them.

4) They take time.

Ok, so only the first one on one website is any real cause for frustration, but...sigh. If they could at least be words it would be nicer.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday: Happy Palm Sunday

Happy Palm Sunday. During church we could hear the kids upstairs blowing noisemakers and, I assume, acting out Palm Sunday. It was cute.

Also, you can all rest more easily now. I hung the fire extinguisher in an easy to reach location instead of behind a lot of stuff. So if there is a fire, we'll be able to react about 5 seconds faster.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday: ides of March

Happy Ides of March. Nothing went wrong for us today, so that's good.

We started the day by being super lazy. We woke up and read in bed until around 11. Did some chores, played some Warcraft, etc. Then we had dinner with Jess and Clay (from church). We went to a Thai restaurant and it was really good. I had pineapple fried rice. Then we played hand and foot. There were some exciting times...

The fourth (and final) hand just started. The boys are winning by 4000 points, which is pretty much too much for the girls to take back without a miracle. Amanda lays down her cards. Sweet! The girls are off! Jess plays and lays down a lot of cards. When it comes back to Amanda, she lays the rest of her hand and gets into her foot. Poor boys, they still haven't laid any cards down. Jess gets into her foot. Clay tries to lay down but comes up five points short. Amanda finishes! Yay! Well, still probably not enough to win, but fun. Clay looks in his foot. THREE red fives. Oh, maybe the girls can win after all. The points are totaled...The girls win by 500 points! It was an amazing comeback, one for the books.

Friday: Happy Pi Day!

Well, big things were afoot over here on Pi day. We had pizza for dinner:

Then we watched "Duke and the great Pie War"
And finally topped it off with some delicious home-made pies (and cookies, but we didn't eat those).

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday: Today felt like Thursday

Here's how the knitting is going so far.

I got my second monitor at work working! Huzzah! I've been waiting for about a month now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday: It still isn't Thursday

All week I've thought it was Thursday. Luckily, tomorrow really is Thursday so hopefully that'll work out for me.

Travis stopped by this evening. Here he and Ben are playing his with his birthday present.
Here is Flurry showing us her favorite part of the upstairs: the humidifier. It has water. Therefore, she loves it.

Monday, March 10, 2008


It was about 4:00pm today when I actually realized what time it was today. The day flew. Not in a bad way (like I have way too much to do), but a lot was going on and I was staying nicely busy.

I had a dream that someone sent Flurry to me all stuffed in a jar and I was going to do an experiment on the handedness of cats.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Ah, today went by way too quickly. I could blame it on the lack of an hour of sleep, but I'm not sure that really would have changed much in the end. We ended up going to a lunch at church for new people, had some errands to run, and so by the time we got home it was already mid-afternoon. We also went bowling this evening with some people from church and that was a lot of fun. I didn't break 100 though :(. Like normal.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I think my time of easy days is done. :( I got things 1-3 off my list today (those were the absolute must do-s), worked on number 4 (also an absolute must do, but let's be honest, its been on that status for a week. A few days won't hurt.) And numbers 5-20ish? Uh, someone else is doing 7, I did 5 at the last minute, and can hope the rest don't bite me later. Well, I'm sure that's more than you wanted to know. I think I finally got the video working...

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Wow, today went fast.

And we got library cards :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today went by quickly. It was nice. :)

This weekend I got a little webcam from Dad. It is supposed to be for a laptop and so doesn't work well with my computer yet, but it's been nice. It also takes movies. So I made one of Flurry. She did a really good job the first ten seconds, after that it gets boring.

Hmm, I tried to load it but it doesn't seem to like it for some reason. It isn't that long (about a minute) but maybe that is too long for this. I don't have any video editing software to chop off the last part though, so I guess we're out of luck this time. :(

Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday: oh, it's Monday again

Hmm. I always have so many thoughts of things that I want to say throughout the day and then proceed to forget them.

1. I wonder if my kids will read this and if they'll enjoy it. It would be fun to have them read entries when they're the same age I was when I wrote it. There might be some bleak years, but I've been journaling on and off since I think 8th grade. Maybe handwriting looks really bad in the first few journals.

2. I gave myself a raise this week by changing my tax deductions. It almost feels like cheating, but not really.

3. We got a quote from the second landscaper today. Luckily, his prices were about the same as the first ones. Unluckily, his prices were about the same.

4. It was rather warm here today. I almost walked up the hill for a meeting, but then decided it was too late.

5. Oh! I got some presents for saving money today. The first was a pen that also doubles as a laser pointer and a flashlight. The second is a digital tire pressure gauge. AND the digital tire pressure gauge has lights so you can take the pressure in the dark. Phew.

6. It's Nathan's Birthday! He had a fun blog post. Here he is many many years ago.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday: thoughts

-Sometimes I which I had a camera following me around like the do in The Office. Sometimes I just want to give it a look.

-Flurry has taken to dipping her paw in her water bowl and then licking it. It seems incredibly inefficient, but looks very polite.

-In WoW, I wish the druid forms had something to distingush individual characters. I'm in a raid with three trees right now, and it gets confusing as to whether my spell went off or not.

-I hate short USB cords

-I wish I had the motivation to do some of the cleaning and picking up around here that really needs to be done.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Today I got to go into work early because Ben was working from home. I like going in early because then I get to leave early. Well, I thought I wouldn't get to leave much earlier, because I was going to help someone out with something. But it got finished yesterday, so I was still able to leave early. :) So I took a wonderful nap.

Today and yesterday I got to work on making build instructions for a harness. It was actually a lot of fun, even though I think I take twice as long as I should. But I'm still learning.

We talked to a landscaper and saw his quote. Landscaping is expensive, but they seem to realize that and are willing to work with you so that's nice.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday: midweek

Today is an off raid day that I'm attending on Lydiac. The problem? We're going super slow because the raid leader is new at leading and sick.

The morning went slowly, I didn't have enough to do. I really need to figure this out earlier so I can get some work before I'm completely out and no one is around. I got some around noon, and the afternoon flew by.

I have dumb rock band songs in my head.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday: a bit grumpy

Well, I'm a little grumpy right now. ramble about that for a bit, decide I really don't want to talk about it and delete the whole paragraph. I'm still trying to decide if I'm justified in my grumpiness.

My lower eyelid is also dry, which is itchy.

However, it snowed today. It was beautiful.

Today I also pondered what would happen if, say, Iowans decided they felt oppressed and wanted to cede from the Union. Then I wondered if the response would be different if Hawaii wanted to cede. I feel as though if we have a democracy and that if they want to leave they should be able to. I'm also wondering if cede is the right verb or if I should have been using succede. Or however it's spelled.

Flurry says hi

Monday, February 25, 2008


Today was pretty good. I stayed really busy in the morning, doing a ton of things that sort-of popped up at the last second. In the afternoon I was writing instructions to put stuff together, and the guy next to me was doing a similar task. I found a knob that just appeared out of no where. Some images had it, some didn't. And it didn't have a part number, which was the real problem. was funnier when you were there. The guy next to me found a 10" wire that was shorter than an 8" wire.

The electrician came this morning to fix some wiring. Something suddenly went wrong and our computers kept losing power. About once every 20 minutes. But now it seems fixed. :)

Sorry about the semi-boring post. Life just isn't super exciting right now. I had a picture of Flurry that I wanted to post, but it was all blurry.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday: party at the Hilldore's

Tonight we had a bunch of people over from church. We played rockband, settlers, and mario party. It was a lot of fun. And they like the food I made. I did feel really self-conscious about our nice house, goes on.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday: almost Friday

Ah, was kind of boring. But I got some more work at the end of the day so tomorrow should be good. I did also manage to finish a lot of the little things that have been hanging around for a while, so that's good.

Our taxes were rejected today because Ben said my birthday was in 2007 :)

Yeah, there's not much other interesting stuff that happened today. I almost got a picture of Flurry playing with my knitting needles, but the battery was dead.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Nothing much happened today. It was actually a kind of boring day. I did do several of the things that I wasn't really looking forward to though, so it's nice to have them done.

Lunch was good. I had leftovers.

Ben is doing the taxes. Oh fun.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday: a good day

Well, I was having a hard time being excited about today. Some of the things I had lined up for work just didn't sound like fun.

But the day ended up not being so bad. The work stuff wasn't too bad, and Ben got some good news. We had pizza for dinner, and I took a quick nap before the raid. I still have a whole raid to go before bed, but hopefully it'll be fun. I also didn't get my chocolate fondue that has been waiting since last Thursday, but there just wasn't quite enough time.

Let's see, what else. I finished the golden compass trilogy the other day. I wasn't really very impressed. The first two books are definietly not worth the hype the church has give them, although I can at least see where they're coming from for the third. But then there was a sad ending too, so my vote is just an eh.

But right now I'm reading "The Man who listened to horses" and throughly enjoying it.