Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday: seven weeks

Isaac is seven weeks old!

. Last night Ben took the first night feeding with a bottle. Isaac also decided to skip his midnight feeding again, so I only had to get up once during the night!
Today we learned about helicopters. He wore helicopters and Ben flew his RC helicopter around a bit

We also learned about a few of the tools used to fix helicopters. We did this while Ben put together my new desk chair.

This photo was taken a few days ago, but it shows such a happy Isaac!

hmm, I thought I had a ton of other things to say, but I can't remember.

Thursday: green, kitchen, going out

Today was green day. It all started when Isaac wore a green shirt, pants with green on them, and green socks. Then since Ben wasn't dressed yet, Isaac thought it would be good for him to wear his green shirt. I threw on a green shirt, grabbed Flurry (who has green eyes) for a family picture.

Isaac was exhausted from organizing all that, so took his first nap of the day. I finished unpacking and cleaning the kitchen, and it looks awesome. Now to keep it that clean...

Finally, we had several errands to do this morning. This leads to a question...Isaac often seems to overheat in his car seat. So we used the bjorn at the library because he was awake and screaming (and hot). Then we used the stroller at Barnes & Noble because he was asleep (he got pretty warm, but not sweaty). What do other people do when going out to make everything go smoothly? Are there any tricks? I know he might get too hot because he screams, but then I think he screams because he is too hot.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday:a walk

Today we went for a walk. I thought it was was warm and sunny. Isaac thought it was torture.

To be fair, he was too hot as I didn't realize how warm it was and he was about to have a large bowel movement, so he was legitimately mad.

We got home, he cooled off, and we played with rings. Or at least I played with rings and Isaac put up with it.

Last,but not least, I put up a solar system in Isaac's room. There will be pictures later, but the box said that it had updated information about Pluto's status. I looked and looked but couldn't find anything. Everything referred to it as a planet. It was false advertising.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday: happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day. We didn't really do anything over here to celebrate, but Isaac did wear a reddish shirt that says "my mommy rocks"...which seems like a Valentine's greeting to me.

Also, the blog had some technical difficulties due to the app I've been using to post. So I spent two hours in the morning fixing some stuff. I might have more to do, but I'm going to wait a week and see if it resolves itself.

Isaac had a weird day. He slept a lot, and if he wasn't sleeping he was either passively watching something or rather cranky. He ended up spending a lot of time watching his birds in the swing, but he also enjoyed shredding papers. We have a lot of paperwork that we managed to accumulate since we moved.

I finished a puzzle. I decided not to do the edges because they were all one color and the edges should have been brought in one row.

We also had several visitors today! Betsy came over and it was nicety get caught up with her. Then Jamie and her kids briefly stopped by.

And here's the best Valentine's gift...Isaac skipped his midnight(ish) feeding. He went five hours without eating and I got four hours of sleep!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday: stuff

Let's see...

Today Isaac got an email address. But he isn't using it yet, so we're not breaking any laws. I just needed it to make a sign on for the insurance.

Behind this door is a surprise...

Isaac was also rather sleepy today. And although you can't hear it, in this picture he is snoring up a storm.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday early morning: good idea, bad idea

Good idea: get out of a warm bed to feed a screaming baby

Bad idea: don't put on your robe and slippers and think that by not putting them on you will get back to bed in just a few minutes.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday: church and play toy

We went to church again today, and sat in the cafe area.  Ben and I both caught only about half the service because other people don't have to be quiet out there.  (But neither does Isaac.)  Oh well.  I think it is still good practice.  We also got the baptism video.  I'm trying to convert, trim, and upload it to YouTube but it is taking a long time.  Maybe it will be tomorrow's goal.  Along with getting groceries.

I also put together a play toy thingy.  The problem this play toy has is that it forgot that babies have feet.  So if I set it over him the correct way (so that he can see the mirror and the toys hang down), his feet bump into the green thing and he is too far away from the toys.  After a while I took the green thing out (which was easier than expected).  It can go in later if we change our minds.

Even before I took the green thing out, Isaac really seemed to enjoy it.

He even managed to hit all the hanging things with his hands.  Although I'm not sure if it was ever on purpose or if he was just flailing and then hit them.  (In the photo below his hand is blurry so you can tell it is moving by the toy.)

Saturday: grumpy

Isaac was grumpy today. At least he slept a lot too.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday: six weeks

Today Isaac turned six weeks old!

We went to Target in the morning with my dad to pick up the last of the items on the registry. I was not impressed. They had no cribs out to buy. When we found someone, she said that there weren't any in the back either. She suggested getting it online, since the registry I printed out said it was available online. I asked customer service if there was going to be a shipping charge and they couldn't tell me. (so obviously I couldn't get it waived if there was...that was one of the reasons we went with a crib at Target). I get home and look it up, only to find out that it is only available in stores. I called customer support because my coupon was good only for one day, and they were no help. Dad ended up going to a target closish to his house to get it. (In comparison, I was having problems with the Toys r Us coupon code, called customer support, and two minutes later had a better coupon code.)

Anyway, back to Isaac. He started crying when we left Target and when we got home I found he was overheated. So I put him on the quilt to cool down, and he became a very happy boy, even with a few smiles. (Ben and I have both thought we've seen some, and then Dad agreed.). So, we of course took lots of pictures.

He looks like he has a halo!

Getting more animal tails.

So he could meet the monkey.

And bite his nose

We played Dominion with Tony and Christian. We managed to still get two games in, even though both boys needed more attention. At least they actually saw each other awake this time. They're making progress as friends.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday: flurry's new perch

Flurry has found a new favorite location. There is a waist high uh...bannister? by the stairs going to the basement. She can walk back and forth on it and see everything that everyone is doing.

In other news, Isaac has gone to bed easily two nights in a row. I probably just jinxed it. But it was awesome.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday: decipus

This afternoon, in the middle of a bunch of crying, I thought I'd see if Isaac's diaper needed to be changed. I got him on the changing table with his diaper off and noticed he was enthralled with my shadow on the wall. After putting a wipe over him to contain any mess, I made a shadow dog. I quickly realized how limited my shadow puppet knowledge is.

Next I made rabbit ears. Then a decipus. (like an octopus, but with all ten fingers.). When Isaac felt like it, he provided the seaweed for the decipus to eat. (you can see the start of one the picture.)

Isaac was also visited by Haroldette the mouse, daughter of Harold and Haroldina. That went over well also.

After the diaper went back on, Isaac continued to be rather fussy the rest of the evening. (not the whole time, but not his easy-going daytime self either.) I tried to get Flurry to deal with him at one point. She looked at him, he hit her twice, and she left disgustedly. He did go to bed tonight very easily though, so it might have been worth it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday: a conundrum

This morning I was going to quickly vacuum the master bath because Flurry made a mess initial while she was stuck there. However, the motor sounded terrible! So I took the vacuum apart so I could look at the motor.

It was full of dirt and cat hair. But here is the conundrum: how do you vacuum the dirt from your only vacuum?

(Isaac was no help in solving that question)

I ended up taking a lot of clumps out by hand. Then I turned on the vacuum to see if it sounded better, and dust flew everywhere! Not really what I wanted, but it did help clean the vacuum.

Isaac was rather fussy in the late afternoon and evening. We moved some clothes out of boxes during this time. It may not have emptied the boxes quickly, but at least there was some progress. The picture looks uncomfortable, but it was the only way he'd be quiet.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday: getting up

Sometimes I think Isaac mainly gets me up because he has to poop. He might snack, but the main event is the poop.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday: relaxing

Today was a relaxing day. I did get a few things done, but not because I had to. I think I only emptied one box, although several other things got done too (the laundry never stops!)

I started a puzzle last night because I've really wanted to do one for a while but it just didn't work out.

Sunday: baptism

This morning Isaac was baptized. It is a commitment on our part to raise Isaac to love God as well as we can along with being a seal that Isaac is one of God's children. The pastor also always takes a moment to talk about each childs' name. With Issac he talked about how the Biblical Isaac was one the the great three patriarchs of the faith, passing the faith from generation to generation. (I'll admit, I forgot what else he said but I ordered a DVD so I will remember later.)

Here's Isaac in the back of church after being baptized and having a super wet and dirty diaper. It was really nice to be back at church, even if we were not in the sanctuary.

Afterwards family came over to our house for sandwiches.

The caption on this picture is a) how do we have no furniture but so many empty chairs or b) why didn't anyone come to our super bowl party?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday: moving

Today we moved!

Here is Isaac in his moving outfit. Unfortunately, he didn't wear it while moving. I was trying to bring him to Allison's where she was going to watch him, but I got a late start nursing him before bringing him over. Then he peed on the outfit. Then he pooped in the clean diaper. Then I realized I didn't have a second spare outfit in the diaper bag, so had to go find the box with clean laundry in it.

Fortunately, things went much better after this. The uhaul did fill up, but everything got on in one trip. Then everyone pitched in to help clean the house, and around 12:45 we were pulling out of the driveway with everything completed at the house.

I picked up Isaac so that Allison and the girls could join us for pizza. Then we unpacked the uhaul, put together some furniture, brought in some stuff that was just sitting in the garage, and folded the furniture pads by 2:45. Isaac kind enough to sleep the whole time.

The rest of the day we slowly unpacked some things and relaxed. Isaac got his second real bath...this time we were successful in getting an entire bath in, but I'm not sure I like how it was done, so the procedure will have to change next time.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friday: (mostly) packed

Today started out with Isaac's five week picture! The quilt also got finished this week. And we're wearing red and hearts to Raise awareness of women's heart disease

Most of the rest of the day was spent packing, although we did take a break for lunch and to buy some fabric. The good news is that pretty much everything is packed though. We forgot the microwave and there are some clean and dirty clothes still in baskets and a few random things are out, but everything else is in a box. It's rather amazing how many boxes it takes to get all the stuff that we had here. (my guess, though, is that everything will fill up about two-thirds of the u-haul.)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday: packing

Today a lot of packing got done. And some unpacking got done. It is kind of like Christmas to open up boxes that were packed up last April and sitting in storage since then.

Isaac took his first pacifier today (twice even). It seemed to come out of his mouth fairly quickly, but still stayed in long enough to calm him down.

(I know it's dark, but it is what you get at 4am)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday 2: well child visit

Can you believe I forgot to report the results of our doctors visit?

Isaac weighs 10 pounds (up 3 lb since birth), grew an inch, has good color, and is very aware. The doctor was very happy with how he's doing!

Wednesday: a night conversation

Ben: i'm afraid
Amanda: what are you afraid of?
B: oceans
A: why are you afraid of oceans?
B: they make my books wet.
A: are you afraid of hoses?
B: some
A: are you afraid of glasses of water...
B: and babies. Babies make everything wet
A: true

We had dinner with Ben's family...everyone was able to be there and so it was a little crazy, but in a very good way. Autumn tried teaching Isaac how to laugh, it didn't work. :(

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hunger Monster

Hunger Monster has been one of my nicknames for Isaac. Today it worked for us and against us.

Once again it was every two hours between feedings last night.

But...he also took his first bottle from Ben without any problems. Hurray! (Of course, there also wasn't enough in the bottle so he was hungry again 15 minutes later.)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday: one month

Isaac is one month old today!

He got dressed in his Animal shirt because it had been a rough night. He kept waking up.

Isaac and Flurry are starting to get along better.

I pumped for the first time! I had wanted Isaac to eat before an appointment, but my attempts at gently waking him up failed completely. Next up is actually getting him to eat from the bottle though.

And sleeping. He took two amazing naps during the day; I wish they were at night instead.

Ben and I were talking about how much he's changed in just a month. He's grown a ton...clothes that used to be way too big are almost too small. His head can stay up easily during tummy time. He can roll over (when he's in the mood). He doesn't sleep as well at night.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday: socks and sheets

This morning Isaac soiled the last pair of clean socks that he had. (That fit...he had some that were too big and lots of pairs waiting to be washed.). So since he was going to wear socks that didn't fit no matter what, I thought he might as well wear some of Ben's.

We also went to the new house and put our bed together. Guess what we found? The bottom sheet from our sheet set! The movers hadn't taken it off, which is why I was unable to find it in April.

It also snowed ton this morning. Around 7 I don't remember seeing much accumulation (although I wasn't looking very hard) and by 11 there was about ... 8"? I'm bad at estimating snow depths, but it was a lot.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday: moving part 1 and tears

This morning I saw isaac's first from each eye. He had just conked his head on my collarbone pretty hard and apparently it hurt.

We also have all the stuff from the storage building moved into the house! A huge thanks goes out to Bens dad, who we didn't expect to be there but helped a ton. But all the furniture is in the house and in the correct room. Well, I guess there are a few pieces left, but nothing big.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday: 4 weeks

Today Isaac is four weeks old!

(the quilt is almost done, too)

We also went to the new house to get a few thing ready for moving phase 1. In doing so, we got some pictures of Isaac in his new bedroom.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday: a house, a date

Today we bought a house! However, I don't have any pictures right now. We'll be slowly moving in over the next few weeks. Isaac was great at the closing and slept right through it. While the process was somewhat stressful, we had an amazing mortgage agent who was one of the most responsive service-industry people i've ever worked with, and that was great.

Then tonight Ben and I went on a short, but very nice date. We left Isaac with Dad and Pat and went to a nearby restaurant. Isaac was apparently on his best behavior while we were gone...hurray!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday: post 2

So here I am, feeding Isaac, and find that I already wrote tonight's post. So I thought I'd write another.

A lot of cool things are happening tomorrow. It will be an exciting blog post. Actually, it might not be. But it will have exciting news.

My finger pads are dry. Not cracked, but a lot drier than they were before Isaac was born.

I pronounce the j in bjorn (buh-jorn). I think it is because I read the word fjord before anyone said the word to me, and the hard j stuck. I even think I read it in "a wrinkle in time" but would need to reread the book to confirm.

Following jess' example, i've been doing a lot of reading to Isaac from the book I'm reading. And I've found out that weird names of people and places are really annoying. I have no idea how to pronounce them, so stumble over them a lot. It's especially annoying when the name is only going tobe used once. When reading to myself, I don't think that I pronounce weird names, but look at the letters in the name and go with that.

Isaac seems gassy tonight. I wonder why. It certainly isn't helping him sleep.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday: pictures and video

Today the baby pictures were posted!  Woo-hoo...I love them.  If you want to see all of them, you can go here:

But here are some of my favorites (copied by permission).  Christen did a great job, and you can see more of her work here: (and she is available for other photo sessions if you're interested!)

 I might have to expand my picture wall.  How am I going to have all the cute ones of Isaac and still have other memories and people on it?

Here is another video of Isaac rolling over because that's the only trick he currently has in his repertoire.  It takes him forever, but he does it.  Sound was removed.

Tuesday: in the hood

Last night did not really go all that well. Isaac did not want to be put down, so we watched a movie. Then he was hungry about every two hours. :(

This morning we both had hoodie sweatshirts on. Actually we both had them on all day, not just in the morning.

We also tried the Bjorne again. Yesterday it didn't work, but today I realized I had to put some straps through some loops. Once I did that Isaac calmed down. I was hoping that he would stay awake in it, but he fell asleep. I had a 12:30 appt and I was trying to get Isaac to start a nap cycle in the car, but it failed completely. Oh well.