Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday: vacation!

Yay! We're on vacation!

Today went well. I finished the thing I had to finish and got something else ready for Monday. There is a whole bunch of other things waiting for Monday too, so luckily I won't be bored when I get back. Also lucky is that they can wait until I get back.

There is apparently a canned pumpkin shortage this year. I happened to find a can of pumpkin in the cupboard, and it hasn't even expired yet! The only problem is we don't have anything to put it in...but we'll probably bring it with us tomorrow in case someone happens to have something to put it in but no pumpkin. Hey, it could happen.


The Accidental Boilermaker said...

did your "in case of an emergency" canned pumpkin come in handy?

Amanda said...

no :(