Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday: roofs and ladders

Well, today was supposed to be a very busy day: roofing in the morning, apple picking in the afternoon, and games at night.

Unfortunately, we didn't end up roofing. The people that we were going to help decided that it was too high and too steep for their comfort. While I'm glad they put our safety first, I'm also sad that we weren't able to help them. I climbed up the ladder for a picture. It was pretty bouncy. I was ok climbing it when I had both hands, but if I had to carry something up there at the same time it would have been rather scary.

So we went apple picking in the morning instead. We picked a lot of apples because I want to make applesauce again. Last years batch lasted until about last month...almost perfect. We also got some donuts (yum) and our yearly squash.

We went a year ago when Hugh was a tiny baby and so he got a tiny apple. He is a year older now and much more active!


Jess said...

That's pretty incredible that both your posts on apple picking were on October 10th! Also that last year when we went some apples weren't ready and this year, though the same date, the apples were almost all gone. Yay for blogs so we can look back and remember things better.

Amanda said...

You should start a blog! I've been trying to get more people to do it, but so far I'm zero for ...threeish