Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday: the day is saved

To begin with, Happy Halloween!
of pumpkin smiles!! Thanks to Nathan and Liz for the card. We didn't receive many trick-or-treaters, so we still have plenty of candy left. :)

Then I was at Sam's and found Coke with real sugar! How exciting!
Oh, Flurry wanted her picture taken too.

I found some tea for my spice tea! Phew. Wegman's comes through again and saves the day.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday: today

Today was rather...normal. I had to go into work for the morning which kind of throws my whole day off. It'll be nice on Friday when I don't have to work, but annoying for today.

I also picked out who I am going to vote for. I still have one race that I'm not sure about.

Friday: highlights

Tonight a friend put highlights in my hair. The after pictures didn't turn out the best, so here's some intermediate ones instead. It was a lot of fun.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday: a date!

Tonight Ben and I went on a date instead of exercising. Oh well, the date was a lot more fun. We went to dinner (Friendly's) and a movie (Red). The movie was really was a funny action flick with a touch of romance.

Now it's off to bed for me! Bed time is one of my favorite times of the day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday: that slippery lotion

So I've been planning this post for a while; I haven't written it because I've either forgotten about it or I had something interesting happen that day...

I found a lotion I really like! It was Purely Silk Velvet Body Cream by Bath and Body Works. I would put it on at night and my feet were still soft in the morning! While I still have a lot of other lotions to use, if you're going to get me lotion it should be this stuff. (Although a word of is also probably the most expensive lotion I've ever used. But I just inherited it, so it would be wasteful not to use it.)

So I was searching on-line, trying to find a picture of the jar, only to find out that IT'S BEEN DISCONTINUED! Now I don't even have a hope of ever getting more.

Oh well, it's been that kind of week.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday: my day

I woke up this morning after having some dreams about coring carrots by hand and writing a letter to my Spanish teacher (in Spanish) as to why I didn't finish the homework assignment. (Note: coring carrots doesn't work very well.) (Note2: my excuse was that I was traveling the globe.)

I got my flu shot! I received a Hello Kitty! bandaid for my troubles.

We bought some dice. It is a one pound bag with an assortment of never know exactly what you're going to get.

Bible Study had a potluck. There was an assortment of delicious foods and my applesauce went over well.

I spent the rest of the night dealing with wrinkles. I was having a hard time getting them to unwrinkle, so I may have spent more time watching the TV than normal.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today went faster than expected. I ate too much. There was a potluck at work and there's always so much good food. And the food came out around 9am. Oh well.

Flurry's still an active cat. We're not really sure what's gotten into her these last few weeks, but she seems to have more energy than normal. And she's running all over the place to prove it.

I'm writing a new program at work and am using a lot of functions. I'm rather proud of myself. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday: woe to me

I ran out of tea for making spice tea and the local grocery store stopped carrying it. It is only my favorite drink of all time. I had hot chocolate this morning. It was not as good.

My hands smell funny.

A friend is in the hospital after having an their appendix removed. Everything seems to be going ok besides that though.

I hit myself in the face while playing racquetball. It doesn't hurt anymore though.

Besides the above, the day was fine. I had a delicious shake after racquetball. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday: this and that

Flurry's been super helpful the last few days. Unfortuantly, it means she's always sitting on something I need to move.

I may also start calling donuts "homeomorphic toroidal polyhedrons".
We also did some winterizing today. It was actually pretty nice out. However, that meant the gnats were out too and that was rather annoying.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday: yay Friday

Phew, I made it through Friday. It felt like a rather long week even though I had Monday off. I'm not really sure why...everything was pretty normal.

I had lunch with Jess and that was fun as always. And I didn't have to go back to work, so that was great. Ben and I got takeout Chinese for supper. They always give us a ton of food which is awesome. They also have really good Tupperware stuff that they put the food in. We're slowly making a collection. Reduce Reuse Recycle!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?
Sort of. I was pen pals with some friends that I didn't see very often. They probably weren't more than 20 minutes away.

2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
Astronaut. Of course. It would have to be a day in space though...none of this Earth stuff.

3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
That my parents would die. I guess one survives.

4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
There is this program at work that has a bunch of "red tape". I hear that it is significantly faster than the old system. But there are all these things to fill in that need to be filled in all the time. The same things over and over. Boring.

5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
My bridal veil. It was my mom's.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday: patience

Today was annoying. Nothing especially bad was actually a pretty normal day. I'm just in a mood I guess. I want to know what is going to happen in the future and (obviously) don't.

In other news, I caught up on some Glee episodes tonight. While I'm not a fan of Brittany's character, she does have some hilarious one-liners.

In other other news, I also was given a shirt at work. It has a scary looking patch and is one-size too big. But the patch could be a funny talking topic, so I still might wear it.


Well, here is the first post in my semi-secret blog that won't be put up for a while. As long as I can remember to push "save" instead of "publish."

I started taking prenatal vitamins a few days ago. I know, in the whole progression to have a child it is a rather minor step without much commitment. But since I've started them I feel like I've been remembering my dreams so much better. I also was able to take a lot of naps the last few days, so I guess we'll see if it is just a coincidence.

My other dreams are bigger. There's still some unknowns with work and where we will be in a few months. Usually I try to forget about it, but the last few days it's been harder. My dreams include staying around here and having a kid, but I also have to remember that those might not be God's dreams for me. It is rather annoying sometimes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday: sleep

Dad went home today. :( He took the early flight out, so I was at work by 5:30am. However, I got to leave early also, so I was able to take a wonderful nap.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday: park and bagels

This morning Dad and I fixed the shower drain. It went rather easily, which was awesome. All we had to do was add some caulk.

Then we went to Hickories Park and walked around a bit. It was cool, but nice. I hadn't realized how large that park actually is. Normally I stop near the front entrance.

We came home and made chain linked bagels. Dad's (on the left) turned out better than mine.

However, they are rather hard to toast like that. :) Mine ended up in a bunch of little pieces.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday: Dad

Today was a pretty normal Sunday, besides the fact that Dad was around. Ben played drums and I helped in the nursery. Then we went to play racquetball. They let all of us in as one family, which I was pumped about. Dad beat me in racquetball, but I did have to make him work for it. :)

We went out to lunch, I look a nap, we played some games...etc.

The small leak that I had seen once in the basement was back, so Dad took a quick look at that too. :) It was good timing. The pipe is actually pretty short once he pulled the insulation out, so everyone is happy that it isn't from the upstairs shower.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday: things

Today we did some misc. things. We made a lot of apple stuff (apple crisp and applesauce). Dad really seemed to enjoy the apple corer peeler. :). We also fixed a light in a closet...the wire in the outlet before the light switch had pulled out and so wasn't providing electricity anymore. It took us longer than expected to find the problem. We also played some games and just hung out.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday: Dad's here!

Dad made the flight over safely. Yay!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday: questions

1. What do you listen to while driving?
Usually I listen to NPR. They often have interesting things on. While the station in Champaign had too many crop reports, this station has a lot of classic music. If that is on I'll often just turn the radio off.

2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?
Well, I couldn't really think of anything...but one of the things that I don't like much is Halloween. I don't mind the trick-or-treating, but I find it annoying that I feel like I either need to pass out candy or hide.

What is the one thing that you reach for the most in a day (excluding phones and computers)?
A pen. I make little notes to myself at work. Sometimes it is a "to-do" item, sometimes a number I need to remember.

4. Would you ever own a minivan?
I'd rather not. I understand that my feelings on this may change, but not yet.

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?
Well, if it's convenient I do. I always wash Ben's clothes though.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday: Twilight

I borrowed the Twilight series from Ashley on Saturday. I'm glad she made me take all four books because I'm currently half way through the second. They are so hard to put down. They read rather quickly though too.

I can completely understand why teenage girls (and even women) have gone nuts over the series. Edward seems like such a great guy. I don't quite understand Bella's obsession with becoming a vampire though. I guess I understand that she doesn't ever what to leave him or grow old, but the thought of being pretty much immortal would be enough to make me choose to not become a vampire. The thought of having to wake up and get out of bed every day without ceasing is not a pleasant thought.

In other news, Ben and I both have sore backs from racquetball. I made applesauce tonight and my apple corer-peeler-cutter made the whole process go much, much faster.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday: r-ball

Ben and I went to play racquetball today. It was one of our staples while we were dating during college, but we only played a few times in Illinois (mainly because the courts were under construction for two of the years) and we haven't played here yet. As part of our twice-a-week workout, we finally found some courts and went.

It was so much fun. It took us a while to figure out what we were doing again, but by the end we were getting some good off-the-wall hits. Ben sustained some minor injuries (from himself) and we both think we'll be sore in the morning. We are debating about spending the money to get a gym membership and trying to go on a weekly basis.

Saturday: roofs and ladders

Well, today was supposed to be a very busy day: roofing in the morning, apple picking in the afternoon, and games at night.

Unfortunately, we didn't end up roofing. The people that we were going to help decided that it was too high and too steep for their comfort. While I'm glad they put our safety first, I'm also sad that we weren't able to help them. I climbed up the ladder for a picture. It was pretty bouncy. I was ok climbing it when I had both hands, but if I had to carry something up there at the same time it would have been rather scary.

So we went apple picking in the morning instead. We picked a lot of apples because I want to make applesauce again. Last years batch lasted until about last month...almost perfect. We also got some donuts (yum) and our yearly squash.

We went a year ago when Hugh was a tiny baby and so he got a tiny apple. He is a year older now and much more active!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday: stars and coffee

I made peanut butter cookies today. I make the one below especially for Ben. Can you guess what it's supposed to be? ( is kind of like star gazing when you wonder how four stars can make a crab.)

And for all you guests out there that brave coming to our house even though we don't have a coffee maker, do we have a surprise for you!
To make the deal even sweeter, we even got coffee filters. To make the deal a bit more bitter though, I'll be getting some coffee on Sunday.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My problem and my not problem

My problem is that my computer keyboard stopped working today. Hmm. And somehow we don't have a spare that works. However, it's amazing how much you can do with just a mouse.

My not problem is that I'm done with work for the week. Yay! Today was rather slow, so that makes it even better. On top of all that, my Dad is coming next weekend so my next two weeks are also short! Woot-woot!

Flurry seems to be having a great time with all the fabric scattered on the floor. I think she's just getting it ready for her cousin

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday: transporters

So Ben and I were talking the other day about how the Nobel prize winner in physics is the first person to receive both a Nobel prize and an ig-Nobel prize. That is rather amazing.

But what would be even more amazing would be to win both for the same work. I decided that teleportation is the thing that is going to do this. So wrote the outline of that paper (first draft):

Title: Bringing your food to you: a look at a way to eat without leaving the lab

I. Introduction
A. The problem with having to eat
i. Lack of productivity
ii. Long lines
iii. Schedule issues
B. How people currently solve this issue
i. bring food from home (cold)
ii. beg a friend to bring some
iii. order in (expensive)
C. A new way to eat
i. Teleportation from where the food is sent directly to the lab

II. Methods
A. Set-up
i. Teleporter in a kitchen (shows a grad student wearing a chef's hat)
ii. Teleporter in the lab (show a box with a sign "food allowed in this area")
B. Procedure
i. Chef would cook a taste and delicious meal that isn't so delicious after a few minutes
(eggs in the shape of a smiley face)
ii. Chef puts on Teleporter and hits "send"
iii. Grad student eats food while smiling and working.
iv. Grad student sends back food containers
C. The technical stuff
III. Results
A. Happy grad students!
i. Compare hungry grad student performance to non-hungry grad student performance
ii. Clean labs
B. Compare amount of work completed
IV. Discussion
Hmmm...figure out something to go here.
IV. Conclusions
A. Feed your grad students
B. Teleportation is cool

This person will win the Nobel for discovering how to teleport large items and the ig-Nobel for figuring out how to use massive amounts of energy to move smiley faces across the hall.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday: a semi-random video

I know that I usually don't post YouTube videos up here (besides those of Flurry), but a friend made this one and I think it's hilarious. So I thought I'd share it. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday: Work smarter, not harder!

Today Ben and I went to the gym at our work. We always talk about how we need to exercise more, so on Friday we finally made a plan...we're going to exercise in the gym (or at the tennis courts) twice a week. We're also going to try and get some racquetball in once in a while, but it is rather far away.

On our way home though we figured out how to easily get twice the exercise! Work smarter, not harder!! We will just set our coordinate system origin at the other person and bike in opposite directions:
Right? That'll make us more in shape! We'll be going faster and covering more distance.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday: Flurry

It's been a while since I've had a picture of Flurry. We've taken a few videos this past week, so here we are. I know Flurry videos aren't always exciting, but I do love our cat.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday: maize maze

Today I went to the corn maze with the women's group from church. It was so easy to get lost! But we made it all the way through.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday: bowling

After dinner today Ben and I went bowling. I started to think about how bowling is a rather interesting game...I usually play it with people, but rarely am I competitive about it. I find that I play more against myself and trying to break 100.

Also, there are two places that we tend to bowl at. One place has all the same bowling balls, and they are color coded and well marked with the weight. One place just has "left-over" balls...all different colors and different fingerhole sizes. I was trying to decide which I like better. The first is nice because I can quickly grab a ball of the right weight. The latter is fun because it is interesting to see how different fingers are...and it is possible to get a ball that fits you better, if you're willing to look. (I still haven't decided which I like better.)